Post Archive by Month: October,2023

Germany’s labor crisis is an economic time bomb

German businesses have been warning of a skilled labour shortage as a ticking time bomb at the core of Europe’s largest economy for years. It has long been a topic of concern, but discussion has recently become more heated. Businesses in a variety of industries report finding it difficult to find the personnel they need, and that the issue is

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Bridging the skills gap in the building sector: BUILD UP Skills supports 2030 National Roadmaps in 14 EU countries

The EU Green Deal, the Renovation Wave Strategy, and the EU’s climate goals are all supported by the European Commission effort, which strives to identify and close any manpower and skill gaps. Only if the developing labour shortage in numerous EU markets is addressed and if existing employment are changed to include green and circular skills, among others, will the

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Germany unveils immigration plan to tackle labour shortages, fill 60,000 jobs a year

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration in Germany presented new reforms on immigration, skill development, and increasing immigration from nations outside the European Union on Wednesday in an effort to address labour shortages in the continent’s largest economy. According to Hubertus Heil, the minister of labour, “securing our skilled labour base is one of Germany’s biggest economic tasks for the coming decades.”

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An Overwhelming Majority Of 81% Organizations Are Experiencing a Shortage in Skilled Tech Workers: EY and iMocha report

India’s Bengaluru, May 4, 2023: The world’s top professional services firm, EY, and the leading skills intelligence and assessment platform, iMocha, today issued a research titled “Tech skills transformation – Navigating the future of work in 2025 and beyond.” The research is an in-depth investigation into how technology skills are becoming more prevalent outside of traditional IT roles in all

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European Year of Skills 2023: Skills shortage threatens cohesion and socially fair transitions, local leaders warn 

Representatives of EU regions and cities cautioned Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, today at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), “The green and digital transitions will fail without massive plans for skills upgrade and social cohesion.” Local and regional leaders emphasised that the development of training, upskilling, and reskilling programmes that are tailored to the needs

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How can I integrate into the local community and make friends while working in Europe?

Integrating into the local community and making friends while working in Europe can be a rewarding experience that enhances both your personal life and your time abroad. Here are some tips to help you get started: Language Learning: Learning the local language is one of the most effective ways to connect with locals. Enroll in language classes or use language

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Mobilise European Year of Skills in driver shortage fight

The European Year of Skills presents an opportunity to step up initiatives to address the shortfall of bus and truck drivers.The shortage of skilled labour in the EU is the reason for this year’s Europe Day’s emphasis on reskilling and upskilling, youth, and talented foreign workers. Approximately 600,000 bus and truck drivers are needed in Europe’s road transport industry, a

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Is remote work an option, and can I negotiate for flexible work arrangements?

Remote work and flexible work arrangements have become increasingly common in Europe, especially in response to technological advancements and the changing nature of work. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Remote Work: Remote work, often referred to as telecommuting or working from home, is an option in many European countries, particularly in industries where tasks can be performed

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Fishmongers, psychologists, developers… Which jobs need more workers in Europe?

38 jobs are understaffed, while 37 have an abundance of personnel, according to a recent report. Is your name listed there? Others work in fields where there aren’t enough qualified individuals, despite the fact that many people in Europe struggle to find employment. The labour market experiences shortages when there are insufficient numbers of people who are qualified, available, and

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What opportunities for career growth and advancement exist in the European job market?

The European job market offers numerous opportunities for career growth and advancement across various industries and sectors. Here are some factors contributing to career advancement opportunities in Europe: Education and Training: Europe is home to many world-class universities and educational institutions. Access to high-quality education and training programs allows individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge, enhancing their career prospects.

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