Demands for more international students are increasing due to a lack of expertise

The decision by the parliament to reduce the number of spots available for international students in higher education institutions has come under fire as a result of recent warnings from the mayors of Esbjerg and Snderborg, both in Denmark’s Jutland region, about an acute shortage of skilled labour that is already felt.

The leading newspaper in the Jutland region, Jyllands-Posten, published many pieces in August about the need for more international students due to a scarcity of expertise, and on August 25 it reported on the mayors’ worries.

The business academy in Esbjerg reportedly accepted 78 students into English-taught study programmes, but they had to turn away 195 applicants as a result of the parliament’s decision to cut the number of study spots by 89 in 2022. According to University World News, a total of roughly 4,000 study spaces taught in English have been eliminated. Read more- – Connects jobs with job seekers. Employment opportunities are available across Europe. Full time, part-time and contract job opportunities

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