‘Dream team’: How all the EU’s top jobs could be held by women

It’s possible that the senior roles at the European Commission, Council, Parliament and foreign service could all be held by women after June’s EU election.

There’s a scenario in which the presidents of the EU’s main institutions could all be women.

After the EU election in June, the top jobs at the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament — plus the head of the European External Action Service — will be distributed among the main political groups.Speculating on who will get those jobs is a leading pastime in the Brussels bubble (as well as here at POLITICO); so many female politicians are being linked with those roles that some diplomats are starting to connect them.

Since the first European Parliament election in 1979, only three of the 17 assembly presidents have been women: Simone Veil, Nicole Fontaine, and now Metsola.

When it comes to committees and political groups within the Parliament, women are also under-represented. Currently only three out of seven political groups have female leaders (the Socialists & Democrats, Greens and The Left), while only seven women (against 17 men) are chairs of Parliament committees — even the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) has a man at the helm!


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