Maximising the potential of the EU’s workforce

Labour force shortages persist across the EU in a range of sectors and skills levels. Employers cannot currently find the workers they need. This is especially a problem for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as an EU survey shows.

In tackling labour and skills shortages, the EU’s priority is to maximise the potential of the domestic workforce. However, this will not be enough to address the shortages, and that is why attracting skills and talent from abroad must be part of the solution.

To meet this challenge and help Member States compete in the global race for talent, the Commission has put forward three actions as part of a Talent Mobility Package. These are 

  • making recruitment from outside the EU easier
  • faster recognition of professional qualifications and skills gained in third countries
  • fostering learning mobility for all

The package also reflects that partnering with third countries is key to ensure that mobility produces mutual benefits. – Connects jobs with job seekers. Employment opportunities are available across Europe. Full time, part-time and contract job opportunities

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